Did I mention that I have a great husband? Well, he's great and when I need something he fixes it up for me right away. Like when I tore my rotator cuff and had trouble chopping food. What's a cook to do without being able to chop? After chopping a mountain of onions and apples for a stuffed pork loin(recipe to follow some time) I ended back at the massage therapist who'd worked on getting me pain-free. She asked about my counter top. She wondered maybe it was a bit too high. Did I need a kitchen stool?
I came home and told Stelios. I can make you one, he said. A few hours later, after much banging and clanking noises from his workroom, he presented me with my very own, custom made, wooden stool. I asked for pads under the feet and presto! they appeared.
Thank you "agapi mou"!(that's Greek for "my love").

Breakfast is an important part of my day. No breakfast, no energy. Here's one of my favorites!
Greek yogurt, plain with a cornucopia of cut fruit and a sprinkling of walnuts. Try it! It's easy, simple and filling.

In yesterday's blog I walked you through the wonderful, versatile Shakshuka sauce. Here's the dinner I made with it! I slipped two tilapia fillets under the sauce, covered my sauce pan and put it in a 400F preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.
Steamed some haricorts verts, drizzled with a bit of olive oil and dinner is on the table. I can also tell you that it was a really delicious, filling, satisfying meal with not very many calories
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