Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Maria's Greens and Squash Blossom Salad

It was an early fall day in Saronida. The clouds framed the sky and there was electricity in the air.
And yet, as dramatic as that was, I still had to figure out what we were going to have for lunch!
I rummaged through my fridge and pulled out an assortment of things. Each of them separately would not make a meal, but, I knew that if I put them together we would lunch in happiness!
I arrayed the steamed greens on one side of the platter. Then, I placed the steamed zucchini next to it. With the chopped arugula they made the first layer on my platter.
 I sautéed in olive oil the zucchini blossoms I had removed from the tiny zucchinis.
 I then proceeded to build my salad from the ground up one layer at a time.
 I added the chopped cucumbers, the beautiful sliced tomatoes, the chopped red pepper.
As a last layer I added the blossom flowers and a quartered boiled egg. Add some fresh pepper and drizzle with a dressing of mustard, olive oil and vinegar.
Voila! You have a magnificent salad that hits all the high spots. Of course, you must accompany it with some Greek beer and bread!



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