Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Penguin Colony-Patagonia

Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in the Southern hemisphere and especially in Antarctica.
On our recent trip to Patagonia we were lucky to land on a penguin colony. It took a few tries but the captain of the Stella Australis was successful in securing the ship and allowing us to disembark safely on the island colony.
 There were hundreds of penguins on the island freely walking around.
The young ones were learning to swim safely in the ocean under the tutelage of the parents.
The male penguins build their nests in the ground and try to entice the females to mate with them by how well the nest has been created.

 Two young penguins mistaking Stelios for their parent!
 SO cute!!!
 Yes, it was cold!
 A couple in the entrance to their nest.

I was not prepared by how small the penguins are. They really are tiny. Even though I'm crouching here, the penguin next to me is still pretty small.

I don't know what it is about animals and especially wildlife but they always put a smile on my face. It was a very exciting adventure, and even though it was pretty cold and windy out there, I wouldn't have missed it for the world!



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